20+ years of Putting People First — our cumulative record of impact: 435M people served worldwide by 3,800+ projects and partnerships made through Clinton Global Initiative.
31M U.S. children leading healthier lives through Alliance for a Healthier Generation (independent and associated program).
21M people worldwide with access to lifesaving HIV/AIDS medications through Clinton Health Access Initiative (independent and associated program).
479K students and educators who have participated in educational and cultural programs from Clinton Presidential Center.
179K farmers in Malawi, Rwanda, and Tanzania who have improved their lives working with Clinton Development Initiative.
11.8K students from more than 160 countries turning ideas into action through CGI University.
400+ distinguished leaders making a difference in their communities through lessons learned in Presidential Leadership Scholars Program
1.4M children’s books and early learning materials donated to U.S. families through Too Small to Fail.
686K doses of lifesaving naloxone distributed free-of-charge through Overdose Response Network.
71MW of clean energy projects facilitated in island nations through Clinton Climate Initiative.
Every success and opportunity should be treated as a challenge to help more people build better lives for themselves and their communities. Read reflections from President Bill Clinton, Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton.
We work with partners to expand economic opportunity, improve public health, confront the climate crisis, and inspire citizen engagement and service.
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