Fighting the overdose epidemic

The U.S. overdose crisis is among the most pressing and indiscriminate health challenges of our time. More than one million people have died from a drug overdose since 1999.
Overdose deaths are preventable, and solutions to the crisis lie within our own communities. The Clinton Foundation, with over 15 years of experience tackling complex health challenges, is uniquely positioned to help communities across the U.S. reduce stigma and save lives.
Fighting the overdose crisis requires a comprehensive, sustainable approach and we believe that everyone can play an important part in charting a better path forward for victims, families, and communities across the country. We bring together diverse groups of stakeholders to implement solutions aimed at reversing the crisis and increasing access to naloxone and other lifesaving resources by expanding our work with schools, faith leaders, and communities.
Expanding Naloxone Access
Naloxone is the medication that reverses the physical effects of an opioid overdose. We’ve negotiated innovative agreements with manufacturers of naloxone to lower the cost and have formed partnerships to increase affordability and expand distribution of this critical, lifesaving treatment. Learn more >
Engaging Community Leaders
Faith leaders are a trusted source of support and information. They influence attitudes and practices in communities across the U.S., and as such, are a vital part of the solution to confronting the overdose crisis. We’re working to build networks of faith leaders representing different faith traditions, and equip them with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to organize community members, reduce the stigma of addiction, and fight substance use disorders in their communities. Learn more >
Translating Research into Practice
We bring together experts from across sectors to research, compile, and disseminate the best available science on substance use disorders. Learn more >
In Photos: Overdose Response Network in Action

Donate to the Overdose Response Network
Your gift will help provide communities with the tools they need to combat the epidemic and save lives.
At the Clinton Foundation, we believe data should be used to guide how programs are designed and implemented. We leverage both quantitative and qualitative information in order to promote evidence-based decision-making and help the Foundation and our community of partners achieve greater results in people’s lives across the country and around the world.
distributed to recovery residences, high schools, universities, and community organizations through the Overdose Response Network in partnership with Direct Relief, Emergent BioSolutions, and the Voices Project.
engaged across 8 US cities to equip them with the skills and resources needed to organize community members, reduce the stigma of addiction, and confront substance use disorders in their communities.
News & Stories

At a Nevada Recovery Center, Hillary Clinton Advances CGI Efforts to Fight the Overdose Crisis