President Bill Clinton speaking at podium

Clinton Presidential Research Fellowship

President Bill Clinton speaking at podium




  • Must be a current graduate student based at a U.S. institution. OR
  • Have a PhD officially conferred from a U.S. institution within the past eight years.

Application Materials

  • Completed application form with a fiscal sponsor identified. The fiscal sponsor will receive and manage the administration of funds and can be any 501(c)(3) organization (for example, a university or college).
  • A curriculum vitae including academic experience and list of publications.
  • Project proposal with a focus on how the Clinton presidential archives would be central to the completion of the project, the overarching objective, and the potential use of the project (maximum of 300 words).
  • Outlined budget plan for the award.
  • Two supporting letters from academic advisors or professional colleagues (maximum of two pages each).

We expect to notify selected fellowship recipients by late spring 2025. If you have any questions, please email

We encourage participation from individuals with disabilities. If you have a disability and need a reasonable accommodation in completing the application, please email us at the address above.

Submit your application here

Apply by March 21, 2025, for the opportunity to receive a grant ranging from $1,250 to $5,000 USD to support your research project.

Outreach Resources