CGI Community in the News – March 29, 2024

Four updates from the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) community this week – including Her Campus’ profile of CGI’s Director of Women and Girls’ Equality; President Clinton in Guyana talking about CGI’s commitment to the region; Empire State Realty’s Trust’s newest Energy Star award; and a Devex opinion piece from the co-CEOs of the African Visionary Fund. 

Her Campus spotlights CGI’s Sarah Barton for Dream Jobs series 

In the latest installment of Her Campus’ Dream Jobs series, the publication profiles Sarah Barton, CGI’s Director of Women and Girls’ Equality pillar. Sarah offers advice to young women entering the workforce, reflects on her own college experience, and outlines her unique pathway to the Clinton Foundation. Read more. 

Empire State Realty Trust wins Energy Star award for second year 

For the second consecutive year, Empire State Realty Trust (ESRT) achieved the 2024 ENERGY STAR Sustained Excellence Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy. At CGI 2022, the ESRT committed to developing carbon neutrality roadmaps for NYC based skyscrapers, reducing emissions from the Empire State Building 80 percent by 2030, and reaching carbon neutrality by 2035. Read more. 

African Vision Fund Co-CEOs pen opinion piece on power-sharing development funding

In an opinion piece for Devex, Atti Worku and Katie Bunten-Wamaru offer reflections on major shifts in philanthropy — and how eight new principles are guiding power sharing within the industry. Read more. 

President Clinton visits Guyana, offering assistance from CGI 

President Clinton spoke at the United Caribbean Forum in Guyana, where he encouraged the Caribbean region to unite, and said he is prepared to help mobilize support and investment to the region through the Clinton Global Initiative. Read more.