Double Your Impact

Many employers offer matching gift programs that will double the impact of your donation, at no additional cost to you. To find out if your employer can match your contribution, follow the simple steps below:


1. Find Your Employer

Use the search box below to find your employer, and all the details about their matching gift program (if applicable.)

2. Fill Out The Form

Print or request your employer’s matching gift form, or submit it via webform if your employer provides a link for that.

On the form, you may be asked for the following information about the Clinton Foundation:

  • Name: Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation
  • Tax-ID: 31-1580204
  • Address: 1200 President Clinton Avenue
  • City, State and Zip: Little Rock, AR 72201
  • Phone: 646-778-5179
  • Email Address:


3. Send Us Your Form

Send us your completed form at, or mail it to:

1200 President Clinton Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72201

We’ll take it from there!